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영어일기 '20.7.12

by 목가 2020. 7. 12.

일요일 아침이라 늦게 일어났다.

간밤에 아이가 이불에 오줌을 눠서 씻기고 치우고 다시 잤더니 늦잠 잔 것 같다.

자기전에 와이프가 오줌 누게하고 자랬는데...깜빡하고 잠들었더니 이 사단이 나버렸다.

해가 쨍쨍하면 밖에 돌아다니기 힘든데 오늘은 날씨가 흐릿해서 나가 놀기 좋아보였다. 

아침을 빨리 먹고 일찍부터 아이랑 근처 놀이터에 나갔다. 

놀이터에서 만난 5살 언니를 졸졸 쫓아다니면서 잘 놀고 과자도 나눠먹었다. 

집에 들어가기 싫다고 해서 호수 공원 한바퀴도 돌고 집에 돌아오니 벌써 2시간이 지났다. 

점심먹이고 낮잠 재우고나서 드디어 쉴 시간이 생겼다. 하루가 이렇게 또 지나가는구나...


I got up late today because this is sunday morning.

Plus my daugther wet the bed last night. I washed her and cleaned the bed. then I went on the bed. So I wake up late.

==> She peed on the bed and i had to wash her and replace the blanket. Then went back to sleep

My wife said "you have to help her to pee before bedtime...I forgot it and slept...

It's too hot and hard to go around during sunny. Today was cloudy and cool. It seemed to be better go out.

==> Surprisingly today is much cooler than the regular sunny days i went outside with my daughter.

We had a quick breakfast and went to playground near home. 

My daugher chased her whom in playground. she was a five years old. They got played well and had a snack together.

My daughter said "I don't want to back home".

We walked around a lake park near home. When we back home the time was alreay passed more 2hours.

==> We went back home, we already spent two hours walking around the lake park.

I fed her during the lunch and put her to sleep. Finally I got time to spend on my own. Time really files.




'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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