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영어일기 '20.7.9

by 목가 2020. 7. 9.

여름 휴가철이 다가오느 여기저기서 여행가겠다는 소리가 심심찮게 들려온다.

옆 팀 박대리도 아내랑 제주도 갈거라면서 은근 자랑을 한다.

나도 어디든 가고 싶지만 코로나 때문에 갈 수가 없다.

게다가 성수기라서 가격도 만만치 않다.

그래도 휴가가 많아서 쓰긴해야하니 와이프랑 어디라도 다녀와야겠다.


As the summber vacation season comes around. I hear lots of people planning to go on an trip.

My co-worker Park from a different team, boasted of his plan to go to the jeju ireland with his wife.

I want to go to somewhere for vacation. But I can't go because of covid-19.

Plus during the peak season, everything is way too expensive

Anyway I have a lot of vacation and I need to go vacation. I should go anywhere with wife.

==> I still have many holidays left .. / vacation leaves left. So maybe i should consider going somewhere for vacation with my wife. Do i need to consider going somewhere for vacation like others do?


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